

hey God

Hey friends!
I apologize for being so MIA lately. But if I’m being honest, I just haven’t had anything to write but at the same time I’ve had so much to write that it’s overwhelming. God has really been working in my life lately in so many ways and it has been wonderful getting to experience His presence in my life. I’ve been trying to soak that up and really understand what it is He is wanting in my life. I have so many things that I can share with you but there is one that has been on my heart for a while now. In fact, I wrote half of a post about it but decided I didn’t like it so I deleted it. But I’m here to try again because I think it’s important for people to know.
I grew up going learning about Jesus and going to church. You hear all the time people say, “I was at church every time the doors were open.” Well. That was me. Children’s choir, pot luck, Sunday School, Sunday Service, bake sale. You name it and I was there. Now this isn’t a bad thing. I think it’s great to be involved in church and really, I could go on and on about church but that’s for a whole different post. What I was missing though was the reason I was at church. I was missing the relationship part of church. The relationship with Jesus that is.
For so long a relationship with Jesus for me was going to church, reading my bible or devotional before my head hit the pillow, and saying a prayer before breakfast, lunch, dinner, and falling asleep. Half of those prayers were the ones you’ve probably said that go a little like “God is great, God is good, let us thank Him for our food.” It was a lot of going through the motions, but it was also a lot of distance. For a long time, I saw God as this figure who had so much power and authority. When I went to talk to God I felt as if the only appropriate words were the ones of upmost respect and holiness. Basically, what I like to call “churchy” words. All of my prayers started with “Dear God” and they didn’t say much other than thank you for this laundry list of things, please heal these people, and watch over and protect me. And while that prayer is great and there are many times now that my prayers are exactly like this, it really wasn’t what my prayers needed to be.
Fast forward to when I was in high school and went to a church camp (I know, I know, typical church camp story… but for real). My youth group was separated into groups and we each had our own counselor. My counselor sat us all down and said I want to pray for us before we get started. It got quiet and we all bowed our heads. She began to speak and the first words our of her mouth were “Hey God”. My eyes shot open and my head looked up at her and it’s a good thing she had her eyes closed because I gave her the biggest “Are you crazy?” look you’ve ever seen. I mean HELLOO this is God you are talking to. Not your best friend. You can’t just say “Hey” to God like He’s some normal human being. Boy was I wrong.
I thought long and hard about how my counselor had prayed to God. And then it finally hit me. You CAN talk to God like He’s your best friend. Because really, that’s part of His relationship with you. He’s your friend. Don’t get me wrong, I had a relationship with God. But it was so distant. I wasn’t really allowing God into my life. I wasn’t letting Him know every part of me. Which is odd to say because He already knows every part of us (Psalm 139:13). But He wants us to share it with Him.
I began looking at my relationship with God a lot different. I started every prayer with “Hey God” to remind myself that God isn’t just some figure that I pray a prayer to and then move on with my day. He’s real. He’s my friend. And He cares. In 1 Thessalonians 5:17 it says pray continually. When I first read this my thoughts were how in the world will I ever get anything done if I am always praying. Like that is just not going to work. But what I really feel God is saying in this verse is to be in constant conversation and thought with God. Even if it’s just a simple “thank you God” throughout the day, or a “Hey God can you help me out here”. It doesn’t have to be some long thought out prayer that you’ve practiced and memorized. It is just a conversation with a friend who cares and loves you more than you could ever imagine.
I pray a lot. Especially when I’m driving down the road. When I would make trips back and forth to school God and I would have lots of talks. I’m constantly asking Him for wisdom throughout my days. I tell Him a lot. Whether it’s something good or bad or pointless I let Him know. I tell Him when there’s something I’m struggling with and I tell Him when I’m undeserving of His blessings. And sometimes I look up at God and go “really”? God wants to know it all. The good, the bad, and the ugly. He even wants to know when you’re mad at Him. That’s how we build a relationship with Him. Think of it as a friend. If you were always formal with a friend and had set times of the week that you spent an hour together it would probably be pretty boring, and you wouldn’t know much about each other. When I think of relationships with my friends, I think of telling them everything. From “Hey it’s Monday and I’m listening to Christmas music while I work.” to “I’m really struggling with this relationship in my life and I need your advice.” They hear it all even when they don’t want to. But that’s the cool thing about God. He wants to hear it all. He wants you to bring every bit of it to Him.
 1 John 5:14 says This is the confidence we have in approaching God; that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears. My favorite part of this part is where it says, “He Hears.” So many times, I wonder if God is really listening to me and hearing what I’m saying. But it says in this verse that if we ask according to His will that He hears. I can put my confidence in knowing that God is hearing and listening to the words that I speak to Him and he counts them as important. This doesn’t mean that everything I ask for in prayer will come to pass because it has to align with His will, but I can know that the closer I am to God and the better relationship I have with Him my prayers will start to align with His will. That relationship starts by talking to Him.
So, if you’re having trouble building a relationship with God, don’t feel alone because I’ve been there. There were times when I felt like I was praying to a wall (and sometimes I still feel that way). I want to encourage you to see God as a friend. Build that relationship with Him by talking to Him. Start with something easy like telling Him each day what you had for breakfast. It seems silly but it really is that easy and I promise you that He cares and wants to know. A relationship with Jesus is the most important relationship in your life so it’s important to take the time to build one. Start today. It is so worth your while! I’m praying that you can build your relationship with Jesus by talking and sharing your life with Him.

Happy Sunday friends!
Mary Ashton