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If God has ever tried to teach me anything it’s learning how
to wait. I obviously have not grasped the concept because I’m still
waiting. I can’t even begin to tell you the things that I have waited on or the
things that I am still waiting on. But I can tell you what God has taught me in
the times I have waited. It’s a lot. Probably the reason I’m still waiting.
Patience. Let’s be honest… we all hate this word. In
elementary, I remember one of my Sunday school teachers always saying,
“Patience is a virtue.” Now I just say it in mockery because no one really
loves being patient. To me and probably most of you, being patient means
waiting. Like sitting in a cold white waiting room at the doctor’s office in
the middle of flu season while a baby cries and the person next to you
continues to cough waiting. It’s the 21st century. Everything is at
the tip of our fingers. We hardly must wait for anything anymore. Food,
communication, you name it, it is there in an instant. We’ve been spoiled so
the thought of being patient doesn’t settle well. A few months ago, I was
waiting for a new job. I didn’t know where this job would be, what it would be,
or even if I would get a new job. I only knew that I needed one and I needed it
fast. I applied to so many places and went to so many interviews. Some of the
jobs I interviewed for, I received offers and some that I applied for I
received the standard “We think your great but just not great for us” reply
back. Even with the offers, none of them were what I needed. I needed decent
pay with benefits and somewhere I didn’t have to drive two hours in order to
get there. None of them were going to work out. There were a couple that I
wanted so badly and I was convinced that I would get them. I could already
picture myself on the first day walking into my new job with coffee in hand and
a new outfit ready to face the day. Then I’d get a phone call saying that there
was absolutely nothing I did wrong that they just had someone else interview
that had a year more of experience. Those were the hardest phone calls. I mean
what was wrong with me? I killed the interview. I answered all their questions.
I was polite. I dressed the part. I had a killer cover letter. I even had
experience. I cried out desperate to God
each night begging for a good opportunity to come up. At one point, I would
pretty much take anything. I was to the point that I would settle for lower pay
and no benefits just so I wouldn’t be without a job. My prayers kept coming up
short of being answered how and when I thought they should be. Or at least
that’s what I thought. I was at our church in Shreveport, Word of God
Ministries, when I finally realized what God was teaching me during this time.
Have you ever been sitting in church and feel like the preacher is speaking to
no one else in the room but you? That was me. The topic was patience. When our
pastor walked on stage, and the word patient came up on the screen I was just
like really God? That’s what the topic is going to be? I can only be so patient
when I don’t have a job! Whatever. I’m here. If that’s how it’s going to be
then so be it. Fourty-five minutes later I had a completely different attitude.
Our pastor spoke about what true biblical patience is. You see patience is not
the act of waiting. It is completely different. It is about what you are doing
while your waiting. God sometimes needs us to wait. Maybe the perfect house you
are needing for your family hasn’t become available because the people in that
house haven’t found a job in their new city yet. Maybe you haven’t found a job
because the person in the position you are to have hasn’t left yet. In that
time of waiting we aren’t to be still. We are to keep pushing and keep being
disciplined. In Hebrews 12:11 it says “For the moment all discipline seems painful
rather than pleasant, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness
to those who have been trained by it.” God wants to see that we have faith
during our time of waiting. That whatever we are waiting on will come to pass
in some way if it is following what God desires. For me, this meant to keep
filling out applications. Keep going to interviews. Keep writing cover letters.
And most importantly to keep praying and trusting that God would put me in the
exact place at the exact time in order to fulfill His will. I had to stay
disciplined even when I felt that if I filled out one more application that I
might scream because eventually my time would come. And guess what… three
months later God placed me exactly where He wanted me. I honestly didn’t even
realize it was happening and that it was where He wanted me until about a month
after I had been at my job. I look back now and learned so much about being
patient. I still don’t love patience or waiting, but I have a different outlook
on it now. If God gave us everything, we wanted at an instant we would probably
take advantage of it. I know I would. That’s not what He wants. He wants to
build a relationship with us. He wants to teach us and love us. He uses
patience to do this. Now, I don’t say all of this to say that everything we are
waiting on will eventually happen if we are being patient. No not at all. But
it does mean that no matter what, God’s plan is good and that He can teach us
things even if the waiting doesn’t turn out the way we planned. If you are
waiting for something, don’t just wait. Practice patience. What are things that
you can do to show God that you trust Him and you trust His plan?
Timing. This is something I’m still working on. I struggle a
lot with God’s timing. His timing doesn’t always line up with what I think my
timing should be. In all honesty, there are lots of times I don’t want to wait
for God’s timing. I want things to
happen when I think they should happen, but God has a different plan. In case
you didn’t know this already, I am a single girl with no children. I have a
long-term boyfriend, but we aren’t engaged or married, and we don’t have any
kids. I have four best friends that I graduated high school with. We’ve all
four been friends since kindergarten. We’ve experienced so much together. As of
last year, they are all married and three of the four have children. Obviously,
God’s timing for me is a little different than the timing He has for them. And
that’s ok! Say it with me…”It is ok to not be married with children at the age
of twenty-five!” Is it frustrating sometimes…YES! Do I question things a
lot…YES! Do I get asked every time I walk out of the house “when is going to
propose?”….YES! But in the end, I know God has planned the perfect time for
when I am to get engaged, married, and have kids. At least if that is His will
for my life. (Let’s hope so. Ha!) In Ecclesiastes 3:1 it says that there is a
season for everything and a time for every purpose under Heaven. God has me in
this season and that is where He wants me. He has a specific time in my life
for another season. He has a purpose for this timing and this season of life.
It doesn’t mean it isn’t hard. There are days where I’m so over seeing another
person get engaged, or attending another wedding, or going to another baby
shower or being a brides-maid. It can be exhausting. There are times when I
question God’s timing. I mean why pick me to be the one who has to wait for all
of these things? I feel like I’m ready. But I am put in this season for a
purpose. He knows the exact timing that all the these events in my life should
take place. God is always right on time. He’s never late and He’s never too
early. We just have to trust in it. To help me with this battle I try to stop
and think of the things that I wouldn’t get to experience if it wasn’t for His
timing. Because I don’t have children, I am able to travel a lot. I can pick up
and go pretty much anytime I want. I get to enjoy coming home and watching what
I want to on TV. Since I’m not married, I’m learning to live on my own and
support myself well. I’m also learning to see myself as Christ sees me. In this
time of waiting God has also placed another friend in my life. She is not
married, nor does she have children. God’s timing was perfect for our
friendship because we are in similar stages in life and can support and grow
with each other. I also have had so much fun watching my friends get married
and raise their kids. I love being MayMay to their children and loving on their
babies. I get so much advice from them. I look up to each one of them and their
families. They are teaching me so much and I know that when it’s my time to
enjoy these things that I will be able to apply all that I have learned.
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Married, Single, One Child, Two children, One child and one on the way! |
So, if you’re stuck waiting for something I want to
challenge you. First, I want to challenge you to give it to God. Whatever you’re
waiting for surrender it to God. Trust that His plan is good. I have to wake up
every morning and tell God that whatever I am waiting on is His and that He is
in control. I do this every morning because by the end of the day I’m usually
trying to take it back. Ha! But seriously, give it to Him and allow Him to work
in your life. Second, I want to challenge you to seek out what God may be
teaching you in this time of waiting. Dig into His word. Be still and just
listen to Him. He might reveal something that you are really needing in your
life. And third, I challenge you to practice patience and discipline in your
time of waiting. Keep pushing toward what you are waiting for. Don’t give up!
You may be one more application from getting that job, one more click from finding the perfect house, or one more talk with Jesus from an answered prayer. Show God that your willing to put in the work
because you have faith that He will provide. Even if what you're waiting for doesn't come to pass you can always look back and know that God was in control and that you grew closer to Him. I’d love to know what you might be
waiting for so that I could pray for you in this time! Feel free to leave a
comment or message me about your season of waiting. God is good and His plan
for your life is so worth waiting for!